As many of the people are in their homes, this is a reminder for SSS Contributions Payment deadline for the Second Quarter of 2020.
For Self-Employed, Voluntary and Non-Working Spouse
For Self-Employed, Voluntary and Non Working Spouse Members, Contributions for the applicable months of April, May, June (or the second quarter of 2020), may be paid until July 31, 2020.

For Regular and Household Employers
For Regular and Household Employers, contributions for the applicable months of April, May and June 2020 may be paid until July 31, 2020.
Get your PRN here and on SSS Mobile App. You can also text SSS to get PRN here.
You can pay SSS Contribution Payments on different facilities not only at SSS Branches but also here. For online payments, you can try at Moneygment App, GCash and