Are you a new employee and your employer required you to submit an SSS Number?
Worry no more! You can apply for SS Number Online and immediately get your SS Number after you have successfully filled up the form. And good news, you can submit your Supporting Documents as your identification online also.
Less hassle and safe since you will no longer need to go to any SSS Branch.
Here’s How to Get your SSS Number Online and Submit your Documentary Requirements Online
1. Open your browser and type on your browser’s tab. Wait for the SSS Website to fully load on your hand.
2. Click the Apply for an SS Number Online picture on the middle part of the page.

3. Click the “here” link to proceed. Read the step by step guide first to and then click “Start”.

4. Encode all required fields in the Phase 1 of the Registration process. Tick the box beside “I am not a robot” then click the small box below it to certify that the encoded information are true and correct. Click “Submit”.
Make sure to encode your correct information and you are using an email that is active and you have access to it.

5. You will receive an email containing the link directing to the Phase 2 of the Registration Process. You have 5 days to complete the application before the link expires.
You have 5 days to complete the application before the link expires. Once the link is already expired, you have to undergo Phase 1 again of the registration.
To proceed to Phase 2 of the Registration Process, click the link you received on your email. The Link will open a new tab and will redirect you to Phase 2 Registration Process.

6. Accomplish the Phase 2 of the registration process by encoding all additional required information.
Make sure to type in the correct address and contact information, as well as your preferred User ID for your My.SSS account and UMIT ATM details (optional). Review all details thoroughly. Write down/ Take note of your information especially Username and Password to ensure that you do not forget. Click the “Proceed” button.

7. You will be asked to choose and upload one supporting document for the tagging of SS number to “APPLICATION THRU THE WEB – WITH SUBMITTED DOCUMENT(S).
You may check the list of Supporting Documents accepted in SSS Number Registration in the bottom part of this article.

8. Select one type of the supporting document to be uploaded, then browse and upload the file requested. Once uploaded, click “Submit”. Please attached readable colored images or PDF with maximum file size of 2MB only.

9. If the applicant choose to proceed with the registration without submitting any documentary requirement, a notification box will appear informing the member that the submission of documents may be done through the My.SSS account (Online Member Data Change Request – Simple Correction), which shall be created after securing an SS Number.
Click “Yes” then “Submit”.

10. The applicant can now print or download the E-1/E-6 Form, Transaction Number Slip and SS Number Slip.

11. The applicant will then receive two (2) emails: one confirmating the SS Number Online Application and another containing the password setup of the member’s My.SSS Account.
The member has five (5) days to activate his/her My.SSS Account using the link sent in the email or else will expire and the applicant will need to undergo the regular My.SSS registration through the Member Portal in the SSS Website.

12. After clicking the link, the member shall encode the last 6 digit of his/her CRN/SS Number. Click the “Submit” button to continue.

13. The member shall encode preferred password, then confirm the password. Click the Submit button to continue.
Tip: Write down your user name and password on your note taking app or on your notebook to ensure that you do not forget.

List of IDs or Documents accepted as a Supporting Document to your SSS Number Application:
- Bring the required ID or Documents for the Issuance of SSS Number as proof of identity:
- Birth Certificate
- In the absence of the Birth Certificate, any of the following documents:
- Baptismal Certificate or its equivalent
- Driver’s License
- Passport
- Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) card
- Seaman’s Book (Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book)
- In the absence of the above lD card(s) and/or documents, any two (2) ofthe following, both with the correct name and at least one (1) with date of birth:Together with the accomplished E-1 Form, registrant must present any of the required cards and documents as proof of identity:
- Alien Certificate of Registration
- ATM card (with cardholder’s name)
- Bank Account Passbook
- Baptismal Certificate of child/ren or its equivalent
- Birth Certificate of child/ren
- Certificate of Confirmation issued by National Commission on
- Indigenous Peoples (formerly Office of Southern Cultural Community and Office of Northern Cultural Community)
- Certificate of Licensure/Qualification Documents from Maritime Industry
- Authority
- Certificate of Muslim Filipino Tribal Affiliation issued by National
- Commission on Muslim Filipinos
- Court Order granting petition for change of name or date of birth
- Credit card
- Firearm License card issued by Philippine National Police (PNP)
- Fishworker’s License issued by Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
- Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) card/Member’s Record/Certificate of Membership
- Health or Medical card
- Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG) Transaction card/Member’s Data Form
- Homeowners Association ID card
- ID card issued by Local Government Units (LGUs) (e.g.,Barangay/Municipality/City)
- ID card issued by professional association recognized by PRC
- Life Insurance Policy
- Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
- Overseas Worker Welfare Administration (OWWA) card
- Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) ID card/Member’s Data Record
- Police Clearance
- Postal ID card
- School ID card
- Seafarer’s Registration Certificate issued by Philippine Overseas
- Employment Administration (POEA)
- Senior Citizen card
- Student Permit issued by Land Transportation Office (LTO)
- Taxpayer’s Identification Number (TIN) card
- Transcript of Records
- Voter’s ID card/Affidavit/Certificate of Registration
- Additional Supporting Documents
- For married
- Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate or a copy of Member Data Change Request form (88 Form E-4) of the spouse duly received by the SSS where the name of the registrant is reported as the spouse
- For widowed
- Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate and Death Certificate of spouse
or Court Order on the Declaration of Presumptive Death, if previously
reported spouse is presumed dead
- Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate and Death Certificate of spouse
- For legally separated
- Decree of Legal Separation
- For annulled or with void marriage
- Certificate of Finality of Annulment/Nullity or annotated Marriage Contract/Marriage Certificate
- For divorced
- Decree of Divorce M. Certificate of Naturalization (granted before divorce) or its equivalent
- For divorced Muslim member
- Certificate of Divorce (OCRG Form No. 102)
- For reporting child/ren, whichever is applicable
- Birth Certificate/s or Baptismal Certificate/s or its equivalent
- Required Documents for Local Enrollment in the Flexi-fund Program
- Valid Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) gr; E-receipt issued by POEA
- For married
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