SSS Inquiries Help to your SSS Related Questions Sat, 09 Mar 2024 04:26:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Print your SSS Employment History on SSS Website – 2024 Thu, 07 Mar 2024 06:16:14 +0000 Is your employer requiring you to submit your SSS Employment History print out? Here’s an easy tutorial for you on How to Print your SSS Employment History from SSS Website. Make sure to have create...

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Is your employer requiring you to submit your SSS Employment History print out?

Here’s an easy tutorial for you on How to Print your SSS Employment History from SSS Website.

Make sure to have create your SSS Online Account first so that you can access your SSS record online?

1. Go to SSS Website –

2. Click the Member button, then login to your SSS Online Account.

3. After successfully logging in to your account, you will see your Account Home Page.

4. Hover your mouse to Member Info> Employment History

5. You will see your Employment History displayed on the screen.

6. Click Ctrl + P to Print the page.

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How to Print your SSS Contributions from SSS Website -2024 Thu, 07 Mar 2024 03:13:07 +0000 Is your employer requiring you to submit your SSS Contribution print out? Or you just want to have a copy of your SSS Contribution? Here’s an easy tutorial for you on How to Print your...

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Is your employer requiring you to submit your SSS Contribution print out?
Or you just want to have a copy of your SSS Contribution?

Here’s an easy tutorial for you on How to Print your SSS Contributions from SSS Website.

Make sure to have create your SSS Online Account first so that you can access your SSS record online?

1. Go to SSS Website –

2. Click the Member button, then login to your SSS Online Account.

3. After successfully logging in to your account, you will see your Account Home Page.

4. Hover your mouse to Inquiry > Contributions

How to Check Your SSS Contributions on SSS Website 2024 (8)

5. You will see your SSS Contributions displayed on the screen.

6. Click Ctrl + P to Print the page.

How to Print your SSS Contributions on SSS Website 2024

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How to Check your Estimated SSS Pension based on your Contribution and Age? Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:28:18 +0000 Did you know that SSS has a pension calculator on their website? If you are curious of what will be your pension in the future, this article is for you. Here are the steps on...

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Did you know that SSS has a pension calculator on their website? If you are curious of what will be your pension in the future, this article is for you.

Here are the steps on how to check your estimated SSS Pension:

Go to or click this link. No need to log-in to you account to check your estimated pension. Access the pension calculator by scrolling down the sss home page and on the white background with images, click the third from the left with label “PENSION CALCULATOR”.

It will open a new tab. There are 2 drop down buttons. One is to select your “Monthly SSS Contributions or Monthly Salary”. The minimum that you can select is “P560 contribution => P4,000 salary and the maximum is “P2,800 contribution => P20,000 salary”. Note that the option below pertains to the current choices as of this writing. The other one is to select the “Age when you start contributing to SSS”. It ranges from 15-59 years old. There are two buttons below. One is calculate button and other one is the reset button.

For example, you selected “P560 contribution => P4,000 salary” and selected 20 years old when you start contributing to SSS. After clicking the “calculate” button, as per the pension calculator, the estimated monthly pension will be P4,500 per month. Total contributions paid is the contributions you paid from the age of 20 to 60 years old. Therefore the total count of contributions is 480 months = 40 years x 12 months. Multiply that to 560 pesos and the total will be P268,800.

The total pension you will received after 10 years is P585,000 because 10 years multiplied by 13 months (12 months + 1 month bonus) will be 130. If you receive 4,500 as your monthly pension, multiply it to 130 and the result will be P585,000. Based on this calculation, you will immediately know that the total amount of pension received after 10 years is way greater than the amount of your contribution. On this example it has a difference of P317,000. Because of this, the difference is much greater after 20 years.

When you Click “Click here for more detailed information”, you will see the details of your contribution with the following assumptions:

  • Contribution rate remains at 14%
  • Has no gap from the start of contribution to end
  • Monthly Salary Credit remains the same
  • 13 month pension amount is included in the Total Amount of Pension Benefit
  • Minimum of contributions should be 120 for qualification of pension

They have noted below that the “Estimated monthly pension is merely indicative, actual pension will depend on actual pattern and amount of contributions.”. Therefore this is only an estimate of your pension and not the actual pension itself to give you an idea of how much your pension based on your contribution and age.

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Advantages of SSS Pension Loan Program (PLP) Tue, 12 Dec 2023 14:49:17 +0000 If you’re a SSS senior or retiree pensioner that has struggles with money and needed it immediately, this article is for you. Torn between borrowing money from ‘Sangla-ATM’ and SSS? Weigh in your options on...

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If you’re a SSS senior or retiree pensioner that has struggles with money and needed it immediately, this article is for you. Torn between borrowing money from ‘Sangla-ATM’ and SSS? Weigh in your options on this because at the end of the day, your welfare on paying the amortization will matter. We are not bad mouthing the Private Loan out there, it’s just if you’re qualified on the Pension Loan Program, you can benefit from its advantages.

If you know that you’re qualified for Pension Loan Program, here are the advantages of availing it:

  • 10% per annum low-interest rate derived from diminishing principal balance.
  • You are not required to surrender your ATM Card for collateral to SSS.
  • There is also no Processing or Service Fee on availment of the loan.
  • You can borrow up to P200,000, which is the aggregate monthly pension maximum loan amount, or up to (3/6/9/12) times your basic monthly pension plus 1,000 additional benefits.
  • When you begin making monthly pension loan amortization payments, SSS will make sure that your net take-home income is at least 47.25% of your total monthly pension.
  • Additionally, PLP has a longer repayment duration:
    • Three (3) times the pensioner’s total monthly pension – twelve (6) months repayment period.
    • Six (6) times the pensioner’s total monthly pension – twelve (12) months repayment period.
    • Nine (9) or Twelve (12) times the pensioner’s total monthly pension – twenty four (24) months repayment period.
  • First monthly amortization will start on the second month after loan grant.
  • Moreover, the borrower’s credit life insurance (CLI) premium is subsidized by waiving the 1% service charge.

To determine the qualifications on the pension loan program:

  • You are a retiree-pensioner with My.SSS account sa SSS Website (if you want to apply online).
  • 85 years old and below at the end of the last month of the loan term
  • No deduction on monthly pension or existing advance pension in SSS Calamity Loan Assistance Package
  • Actively receiving monthy pension for at least one month and status of pension is “Active”
  • Updated contact details such as mailing address and contact number

If you have checked all the items above, then you are qualified. Click this link to avail the PLP online or at branch.

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How to Enroll DBP Cash Padala thru M Lhuillier Disbursement Account Tue, 28 Nov 2023 09:34:58 +0000 DAEM or Disbursement Account Enrollment Module is a requirement for covering pensioners and individual members (employed members, self-employed, voluntary members, OFW-members, non-working spouse members) for their benefits and loans. For people who prefer to use...

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DAEM or Disbursement Account Enrollment Module is a requirement for covering pensioners and individual members (employed members, self-employed, voluntary members, OFW-members, non-working spouse members) for their benefits and loans. For people who prefer to use E-Wallet/RTC/CPO especially DBP Cash Padala thru M Lhuillier, this article is for you. If you want to enroll a bank account instead or if you’re planning on applying SSS Loans Online and want to enroll an account, you may also see this.

How to Enroll DBP Cash Padala thru M Lhuillier Disbursement Account

For best results, access the SSS Website on Desktop/Laptop and make sure that you have a strong internet connection.

1. Login to your My.SSS account

Type on your browser. Click “MEMBER” under portals. It will open a new tab with log-in. Login to your SSS Online Account.

2. On Services tab, under Disbursement Modules, click Disbursement Account Enrolment Module.

3. Read and understand the Reminders, then tick the box to certify that you have read and understood the reminders on account enrollment. Click “Proceed”.

4. Choose E-Wallet/RTC/CPO.

Reminder as of this writing that E-Wallet/RTC/CPO accounts for loan disbursement are currently not being used by SSS and encourage you to enroll a bank account instead for crediting loan proceeds.


Another reminder when selecting E-Wallet/RTC/CPO is the transaction fees based of prevailing rates.

6. Enter Mobile Number and in Confirm Mobile Number.

Ensure that your mobile number/Sim Card can receive text messages as the Reference Number for claiming your benefit proceed will be sent to the said number. Mobile Number for E-Wallets/RTC/CPO should be written continuous string numbers (eg. 12365478990). Do not push dash (-) or space in between numbers, or any non numeric characters.

In case of wrong cell phone number encoded or lost cell phone, processing of requests for crediting of benefit proceeds to new/correct cell phone number will take at least thirty (30) days to process.

Please ensure that you have done account upgrade or account verification before enrolling your e-wallet accounts to ensure successful crediting of your benefit.

7. Upload ID Card/ Identification Document

Upload a clear copy of your 1 valid Government Issued Identification Card or Document.
See list of Valid ID Cards/Documents:

8. Upload Selfie with ID

  1. Upload your chest-level selfie/photo holding the uploaded valid government-issued identification card/document.
  2. Uploaded photo must be colored and clear.
  3. Ensure that your face and eyes are exposed no facemask, eyeglasses, bandanna, etc.).
  4. Ensure that you are in proper attire.
  5. Upload file must be in JPG / PDF and Maximum size: 3MB

On uploading images(IDs and Selfie Photo):

  • Image should be in JPG or PDF format
  • Filename must not contain special characters like %()–‘”|| &&**. Tip: go to the File Manager app (for mobile phones), Documents on Windows and Finder in Mac
  • then find the file that you want to apply. Rename it without special character, just like DELACRUZSELFIE.jpg, DELACRUZID.jpg, DELACRUZPROOF.jpg.

To make images within 3 MB, you should:

  • Compress or Resize the file to make it below 3 MB. You may use a File Resizer App in Appstore or Playstore or thru a Browser like
  • Another tip is, If you captured your photos thru mobile phone, send your picture in a Facebook Messenger then download it. Then upload downloaded photo, as Facebook automatically compresses (convert into smaller size) the photos uploaded on their platform.

9. Tick the Box to certify that the information presented are true and will be used in SSS transactions. Then click “Enroll” to proceed with the submission of transaction.

A prompt will appear saying that your mobile number will be submitted and asking if do you want to continue:

10. An Enrollment Confirmation screen shall be displayed. The member shall receive an email notification from SSS that the Disbursement Account Enrollment was successfully submitted and shall be evaluated.

If the disbursement account is rejected, the member will be informed of the rejection reason/s when they viewed the disbursement account tab, with the advice to re-enroll a valid Disbursement account or re-upload valid Supporting documents in Disbursement Account Enrollment Module.

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Guidelines on SSS’ UMID ATM Pay Card Free Upgrade Tue, 14 Mar 2023 12:26:01 +0000 For SSS members that has applied for “generic” UMID card or a UMID card release that are still pending, you can apply directly for the UMID ATM Pay Card. Upgrading now has its perks. Not...

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For SSS members that has applied for “generic” UMID card or a UMID card release that are still pending, you can apply directly for the UMID ATM Pay Card.

Upgrading now has its perks. Not only the upgrade is free of charge, If you applied on or before April 30, 2023, you will get a Jolibee 200 e-GC, and a chance to win one (1) of three (3) units of iPhone 14 or a brand new Mitsubishi Xpander, said SSS.

Steps to upgrade

  1. Log-on to your SSS Account (My.SSS)
  2. Click “Services” Tab in the menu. Select “Data Sharing Consent for UMID Pay Card Upgrade”
  3. Indicate your agreement for UnionBank to share your information.
  4. From the AppStore or Google Play, Download “UnionBank” App and fill out the online form
Step 2 Image

As of this writing, SSS will release an advisory when will be the step 3 part of the upgrade (consent part) to the UMID ATM Pay Card upgrade will be available. And if you’re not the specific members that has applied for “generic” UMID card or a UMID card release that are still pending, you will receive the message below:

For inquiries or further explanation, SSS has its SSS uSSSap Tayo Portal at this link.

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Guidelines on SSS’ WISP Plus Sat, 18 Feb 2023 07:02:15 +0000 Defined as Worker’s Investment and Savings Program Plus, WISP Plus is a recent program focusing on retirement savings investment for SSS Members. This is an optional program that is not only acts as a savings...

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Defined as Worker’s Investment and Savings Program Plus, WISP Plus is a recent program focusing on retirement savings investment for SSS Members. This is an optional program that is not only acts as a savings but also an investment and it is separate to the existing SSS Program. WISP Plus make SSS Members’ money generate earnings. It is also said the the program is tax-free. Upon implementation of WISP Plus, SSS PESO Fund Program and SSS Flexi-fund Program for OFWs will be replaced by this program.

Difference between WISP and WISP Plus

WISP is a MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund) for MSCs (Monthly Salary Credit) more than P20,000. WISP Plus is an optional investment program without an MSC requirement. WISP are not withdrawable anytime, WISP Plus is withdrawable anytime after 1-year membership under normal circumstance. Partial withdrawal is allowed provided that the amount is based on the total accumulated account prior to month of partial withdrawal, only once a month and not lower than P500.

However, if under extreme hardship circumstances (critical sickness, involuntary unemployment, the return of an OFW member from their host country, and other such circumstances as decided by SSS), within 1-year membership is allowed.

How to activate WISP Plus?

SSS members who are interested in joining WISP Plus can avail by doing it on their My.SSS Accounts online. After you log in your account credentials, from the SERVICES tab, click “Enroll to WISP Plus”

When the web page is done loading, click the blue text: “VIEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS”.

Once you read the Terms and Conditions, click the “I Accept” Button

The system will notify you with a message that you have successfully enrolled in the WISP Plus program and some reminders on paying the WISP Plus Program.

One application for WISP Plus is all that is required, and participation in the program is perpetual. Also, in order to be eligible for the program, individuals should not have submitted any final benefit claims for things like retirement or total disability benefits.

Viewing your WISP Contributions

To view your WISP Contributions in the future, in INQUIRY tab, select “Contributions”

Then Click the WISP Plus tab below.

SSS’ WISP Plus vs Pag-Ibig Fund’s MP2

   Pag Ibig Modified 2
SIMILARITYVoluntary savings schemes

Tax Free

Offers interest rates that is higher than bank’s savings interest

Do not require monthly payments (you will not be penalized nor you lose your savings when you missed a month)

Offered to OFWs and non OFW Pag-ibig and SSS Members

Require membership in the regular programs of the agency

No limit on maximum contributions

Minimum contribution is 500 pesos
Required monthly contribution for the regular program of the agencyFor employed members, at least (1) posted regular SSS contribution applicable in the last 3 months

For Self-employed, Voluntary and land-based OFW members, he/she must have a psoted regular SSS contribution of the current applicable month of payment or else, hey must pay both regular SSS contribution and WISP Plus for the current applicable month
For employed members, at least 100 pesos.

For Self Employed, Voluntary and OFW members, at least 100 pesos.
Qualification for Opening an AcountFor existing SSS members, SSS Member’s with no final benefit claim

For SSS Member’s has just registered and acquired SS Numbers through the online application, they are automatically enrolled
Contribution – must have at least one monthly savings to your regular Pag-ibig
How to payRegister to SSS Website and Get PRN for paymentRegister to Pag-ibig and get MP2 Account Number and use it when paying.
DIVIDENDSWISP Plus is withdrawable anytime after 1-year membership under normal circumstance. Partial withdrawal is allowed provided that the amount is based on the total accumulated account prior to month of partial withdrawal, only once a month and not lower than P500. However, if under extreme hardship circumstances (critical sickness, involuntary unemployment, the return of an OFW member from their host country, and other such circumstances as decided by SSS), within 1-year membership is allowedYou can claim your total MP2 savings and dividends after 5 years. If you like, you may renew and continue savings for another 5 years.
Easily Availed Online ByOnly one accountMultiple Accounts allowed

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Certificate of Non Advancement of Maternity Benefit Template Tue, 27 Dec 2022 12:34:33 +0000 Download this Template PDF Format Word Editable Format — CERTIFICATION OF NON-ADVANCEMENT OF MATERNITY BENEFIT This is to certify that <Employee Name> who was employed by our company <Company Name> with the office address of...

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Download this Template

PDF Format

Word Editable Format



This is to certify that <Employee Name> who was employed by our company <Company Name> with the office address of <Company Address> from <Employment Start> to <Employment End>, did not receive any advance payment of her Social Security System (SSS) Maternity Benefit from this firm.

This is certification is issued upon her request for the processing of her maternity benefit claim with the SSS.

Issued this day of <Date Issued>

<<Signature Of Authorized Company Representative>

<Authorized Company Representative>>


Related Articles:

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Guidelines for SSS Calamity Loan for Members and Pensioners affected by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng Tue, 15 Nov 2022 03:25:38 +0000 Pursuant to Social Security Commission (SSC) Resolution No. 551-s.2019 dated 31 July 2019  approving  the  recommendation  to  provide  assistance  for  SSS members/pensioners affected by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng, the following guidelines are hereby issued: A....

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Pursuant to Social Security Commission (SSC) Resolution No. 551-s.2019 dated 31 July 2019  approving  the  recommendation  to  provide  assistance  for  SSS members/pensioners affected by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng, the following guidelines are hereby issued:


  1. Calamity Loan Assistance Program (CLAP) for member-borrowers whose residence is in the areas affected by calamity and other areas to be declared under state of calamity by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and  Management  Council (NDRRMC)  and  who  suffered  losses  or damages to their properties located in the said calamity-stricken areas (Annex A).

2.      Three-month advance pension for SS and EC pensioners (per ECC Board Resolution No.   14-07-21 dated  28 July  2014) who are residing in the affected areas (Annex B).


1.      Declared areas under State of Calamity:

  • Amulung, Cagayan
  • Enrile, Cagayan
  • Tuguegarao, Cagayan
  • Provinces of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon in Region IV-A
  • Mogpog, Marinduque
  • Santa Cruz, Marinduque
  • Buenavista, Marinduque
  • Provinces of Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Sorsogon, Catanduanes and Masbate in Region V
  • Provinces of Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimaras, Iloilo and Negros Occidental in Region VI
  • Calbayog, Samar
  • Sirawai, Zamboanga Del Norte Zamboanga City, Zamboanga Del Sur
  • Pigcawayan, Cotabato
  • Libungan, Cotabato
  • Midsayap, Cotabato
  • Provinces of Basilan, Lanao Del Sur, Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, Maguindanao Del Norte and Maguindanao del Sur in BARMM
  • Muntinlupa City

2. All other areas which may be declared under state of calamity by the NDRRMC.


The availment period for the assistance package will start on  17 November 2022 until 16 February 2023.


A. Coverage of the Program

Members who are residents of the calamity-stricken areas as declared and may be declared  by the  National  Disaster Risk Reduction and  Management Council (NDRR MC), and who suffered losses or damages to their properties located in the said calamity-stricken areas.

B. Eligibility

  1. Must be registered in the SSS website (My.SSS facility) to facilitate filing of online application.
  2. Must have at least thirty-six (36) monthly contributions, six (6) of which should be posted within the last twelve (12) months prior to the month of filing of application.
  3. Must have at least six (6) posted monthly contributions under the current coverage/membership type prior to the month of loan application for Self –
  4. Employed, Voluntary (including Non-Working Spouse), and Overseas Filipino Worker (SE/VM/OFW) members who are land-based.
  5. Must be residents of the calamity declared areas and suffered damages/loss to
    their properties. A resident, for the purpose of CLAP, is one who has a home address or property at the calamity-stricken area.
  6. Have not been granted any final benefit, i.e. permanent total disability or retirement.
  7. Must not have an outstanding Loan Restructuring Program (LRP) or Calamity Loan Assistance Program (CLAP).

If employed. the employer must certify the CLAP application thru online (My.SSS facility).

C. Loan Amount

The  loan  amount shall  be equivalent  to one (1) monthly salary  credit (MSC) computed based on the average of the last twelve (12) MSC (rounded up to the nearest thousand) or the amount applied for, whichever is lower

D. Payment Term and Deadline of Payment

  1. The loan shall be payable within two (2) years in twenty-four (24) equal monthly installments.
  2. The loan amortization shall start on the 2nd month following the date of the approval of the loan.
  3. Payment deadline shall be on or before the last day of the month following the applicable month.
  4. In case the payment deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, payment may be made on the next working day.

E. Service Fee, Interest and Penalty

1. The service fee of 1% of loan amount is waived.

2. The loan shall be charged an interest rate of 10% per annum until fully paid, computed on a diminishing principal balance and shall be amortized over a period of twenty-four (24) months.

3. Pro-rated interest from the date of loan granting up to the end of the month prior to first amortization month shall be deducted in advance from the loan proceeds.

Sample Illustration:

  • Loan date: 17 October 2022
  • First amortization month: December 2022
  • Loan amount: Php 16,000.00
  • Interest from 18 October to 30 November 2022
    • Php 16,000.00 x 10% x 44 days /365 = Php 192.88
    • Php 192.88 shall be deducted from loan proceeds.

4. Any excess in the amortization payment shall be applied to the outstanding principal balance.

5. Loan amortization not remitted on due date shall bear a penalty of 1% per month. A delay of a fraction of a month shall be charged a full month penalty

F. Filing of Application

The member-borrower must apply for CLAP through the SSS website by accessing his/her My.SSS account.

G. Other Conditions

1. This calamity loan must be fully paid before the member can avail of future calamity loans of SSS.

2. Any overpayment on a previous loan shall be subject to validation of SSS, and if valid, shall be applied to the active loan, if any. If there is no active loan, it shall be refunded to the member-borrower upon his/her request.

3. Aggregate  unpaid  obligation   equivalent  to  more  than  six (6) monthly amortizations shall result to loan default. The full balance of a defaulted loan shall become due and demandable. A defaulted account is subject to 10% interest per annum to be charged on the outstanding principal balance and     1% penalty per month on unpaid principal and interest until fully paid.

4. Other terms and conditions in the existing salary loan guidelines, not inconsistent with the above provisions shall be applicable in this program

H. Release of Loan Proceeds

1. Through Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) Philippine Electronic Fund Transfer         System and Operations Network (PESONet) Accredited/Participating Banks:

Active single account in any PESONet accredited banks in the name of the Member-borrower shall be enrolled in the DAEM and shall be used as mode of disbursement for CLAP application by accessing the member’s My.SSS account.

2. Through Unified  Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) — Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Card:

If with activated UMID-ATM, the loan proceeds shall automatically be credited to member-borrower’s account.

3. Through Union Bank of the Philippines (UBP) Quick Card:

For UBP Quick Card, the member-borrowers may opt to avail the card at selected SSS Branches with UBP Kiosk. The corresponding account number of UBP Quick Card must be enrolled in the Disbursement Account Enrollment Module (DAEM) by accessing the members My.SSS account.

For SSS Pensioners


A. Coverage

Existing SS retiree, disability and survivor pensioners and EC disability and survivor pensioners whose residence are located in the calamity areas declared by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).

B. Eligibility

1.     SS and EC pensioners. who are living in calamity areas declared by the NDRRMC may apply for three-month advance pension starting         17 November 2022 until  16 February 2023.

2.  For SS and EC partial disability, pensioner may apply for the advance pension for the remaining months of the partial disability pension but not to exceed the three-month period.

3.  SS and EC pensioners who have availed advance pension for the previous calamities and whose pensions are still suspended  may avail of the three-month advance pension for “Severe Tropical Storm Paeng”. provided that the advance pension will not exceed three months at any time.

4.     SS Retiree pensioners who have no existing loan under the Pension Loan Program (PLP) are qualified to apply for the three-month advance pension.

C. Documentary Requirements

The pensioner shall submit the properly accomplished Application for Assistance Due to Calamity/Disaster duly certified by the Barangay Chairman. In case Part II of the form is not accomplished, the pensioner shall submit certification that pensioner is affected by the calamity from any of the following:

a.   Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

b.  National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)

D. Filing of Applications

“File Anywhere  policy shall be implemented. All branches shall receive applications for the three-month advance pension.

E. Encoding of Applications

The  Corporate  Executive  Officer  II,  Member Services  Section.  Branch  Office.  shall immediately encode in the “Advance Pension Calamity Module” the applications received for the day.

F. Release of Benefit Thru Check

The generated benefit checks shall be sent to the SSS branch where the pensioner filed his/her application. The SSS branch shall allow personal release of the checks, subject to usual  presentation  of required  documents,  within  ten (10)  working  days  from  receipt; otherwise. the check shall be mailed to his/her mailing address.

G. Resumption of Monthly Pension

The resumption of the monthly pension shall be automatically done by the System after the three-month period.

H. Form

The Application for Assistance Due to Calamity/Disaster under Office Order No. 2014-048 shall be used for the Three-month Advance Pension for SS and EC Pensioners.

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Schedule of Release of 13th Month and December 2022 Pensions of SSS Pensioners Tue, 15 Nov 2022 02:36:01 +0000 Pursuant to Social Security Commission (SSC) Resolution No. 701 dated 28 October 2022, the release of the 13th month and December pensions of SSS pensioners shall be in accordance with the following schedule: Through the...

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Pursuant to Social Security Commission (SSC) Resolution No. 701 dated 28 October 2022, the release of the 13th month and December pensions of SSS pensioners shall be in accordance with the following schedule:

  1. Through the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) Disbursement Facility and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LANDBANK) Bulk Credit System (LBCS)
Date of contingencyDate of crediting to pensioners’ accounts
1st to 15th of the month1st day of December
16th to last day of the month4th day of December

The date of crediting of the 13th month pension of pensioners who availed of the advance 18-month pension for their initial benefit shall be on the 4th day of December.

2. Through SSS-accredited non-PESONet participating banks and checks

The SSS shall request the following:

  • a. For non-PESONet banks to credit the herein cited pensions to the pensioners’ accounts not later than the 4th day of December; and
  • b. For Philippine Postal Corporation to expedite the delivery of the checks to the pensioners home address based on SSS’ records.

If the credit date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday
• The 13th month and December pensions shall be credited on the last working day before the Saturday. Sunday or holiday.

This supersedes Circular No. 2021-016 dated    15 November 2021.  All other existing Circulars, implementing rules and guidelines not contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions hereof shall remain valid and in effect.

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