In the SSS Members Facebook Group, a lot has been asking how much will be their SSS Maternity Benefit if they contributed x amount during these periods. Though SSS has been transparent on the formula for the SSS Maternity Benefit computation, it is still confusing at times. Fret not, cause there is an option in the SSS Website under your SSS Online Account how much be your SSS Maternity Benefit. There is no other reliable source and computation aside from the SSS itself.
Related Articles that you may also find valuable:
- How to Qualify and Apply for SSS Maternity Benefit
- SSS Maternity Notification thru Text
- Possible Reasons why your SSS Maternity Benefit is Denied
- Detailed Guide on How to Compute your SSS Maternity Benefit Manually
- How to Apply and Qualify for SSS Maternity Benefit
- Frequently Asked Question about SSS Maternity Benefit
- How to Know How Much is your SSS Maternity Benefit
- Common reasons why your SSS Maternity Benefit is denied
- Affidavit of Undertaking Template
- How to Comply with Disbursement Account Enrollment Module?
- How to Submit SSS Maternity Application (MAT2) in SSS Website for Self Employed, Voluntary, OFW, Non Working Spouse and Separated from Employers?
- How to File for SSS Maternity Reimbursement for Regular and Household Employer?
Youtube Vide on How to Know How Much will be your SSS Maternity Benefit using the SSS Website
Formula for SSS Maternity Benefit
Generally, these are the steps when computing for the SSS Maternity Benefit:
- Identify your Semester of Contingency. Date of Delivery/Miscarriage.
- Exclude the semester of contingency (delivery or miscarriage) by counting 12 months backwards starting from the month prior to your semester of contingency.
- Identify the six highest monthly salary credits within the 12-month period.
Add the 6 highest monthly salary credits to get the total monthly salary credit. If you have only 3 or 4 or 5 contributions within those 12 months prior to your semester of contingency then only add the monthly salary credit within those months available. - Divide the total monthly salary credit by 180 days to get the average daily salary credit.
- Multiply the daily maternity allowance depending on the following criteria:
- For Normal Deliver – 105 days
- For Ceasarean Delivery – 105 days
- Abortion, Miscarriage – 60 days
- Solo Parent (either Normal or Ceasarean) – 120 days
If you are having a hard time on computing it by yourself, there is a function in the SSS Website where you will know how much will be your SSS Maternity Benefit.
How to know how much will be your SSS Maternity Benefit using SSS Website
1. Go to SSS Website ( and click the Member button.

2. Enter your username and password, click the I am not a robot checkbox then click the Submit button.
Related Articles:
- How to Create an Online SSS Account
- How to Self-Reset My.SSS Account Password
- How to Reset Locked SSS Online Account
- How to Enroll your Disbursement Account on My.SSS for your Benefits Loan Proceeds

3. After successful login, you will be redirected to your SSS Account homepage. Hover on the Inquiry Menu then click Eligibility.

4. You will this Eligibility Sickness/Maternity screen. Click the Self-Employed/Voluntary Maternity link.

5. You will be asked to fill in the your Confinement Date, Delivery Date and Delivery Number and Delivery Type (Ceasarean, Normal, etc). Fill in the required fields. Click Submit to Continue.

6. The page will display your Total Posted Contributions, your qualifying contributions for Maternity Benefit and the Total Amount. You will also see your will be Maternity Benefit based

That’s it. That is more or less the amount of your Maternity Benefit based on your posted contribution. The computation may still vary based on your future contribution that is still under the SSS Maternity Benefit Qualifying Period.
Action Steps:
- If you are already pregnant and have not yet notified SSS regarding your pregnancy, go and notify SSS of your pregnancy thru MAT1 or SSS Maternity Notification in SSS Website or Thru Text.
- If you are a Voluntary Member and not yet pregnant and not yet qualified on SSS Maternity Benefit based on your contribution, go and continue your SSS Membership by paying your Contributions voluntarily. Create an Online Account and Create a Contributions Payment Reference Number and pay thru Gcash, Bayad Center or any SSS Payment Partner.
Hope that this article helps. If you find this valuable, kindly share to your loved ones who might also benefit to this article.