Articles by sssinquiries_administrat0r

SSS Contribution Schedule 2023

Starting January 1, 2021, the SSS shall implement the New Schedule of Regular Social Security, Employee’s Compensation (EC) and Mandatory Provident Fund Contributions for Regular Employers and Employees, Self Employed, Voluntary and Non Working Spouse and Household Employers and Kasambahay.

SSS Calamity Assistance for Typhoon-hit Areas

SSS has announced that there will be a Calamity Assistance for Typhoon-hit Areas. This is for members and pensioners in areas declared by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) as under State…

SSS New Pension Schedule 2020

The SSS provided a revised monthly pension release schedule through Philippine Electronic fund transfer and System Operations Network (PESONet) and other check less disbursement channels. Under the said disbursement method, monthly pensions will be released:…

Affidavit of Loss Template for SSS UMID

SSS Affidavit of Loss Template

If it so happen that you lost your SSS UMID Card, one of the requirements that you need to prepare to file for an UMID Replacement is an Affidavit of Loss. Some Notary places will…