As additional precautionary measures following COVID protocols, the Social Security System (SSS) is till implementing the SSS Number Coding scheme for all allowed walk-in transactions in all SSS Branches.
The SSS Number scheme is as follows:

Allowed Transactions include:
- Contribution payment and loan amortization payment;
- Personal appearance as required for online SSSS Number application;
- UMID capturing (make sure that the SSS Branch has UMID Capturing facility)
- UMID Card Pickup
- Submission or presentation of the original copies of documentary requirements for claim application;
When going to the SSS Branch:
- Take note that for Funeral or death claim, the claimant shall base the schedule according to the deceased SS Number.
- It is always advised to create your own SSS Online Account in and check the transaction that you want to do is available thru online. If it available online, you may do it online and skip going to the SSS Branch.
- You may also contact or and wait for their reply, especially if it involves inquiry or benefit follow up.
- Make sure to present the required documents and Identification for your transaction.
In the event that the transaction day falls on a non-working holiday or the branch experienced a downtime or service became offline, you may:
- Go back to the next week’s scheduled day
- Schedule an appointment with the SSS Branch on the day you want to return to complete your transaction;
- Wait for the system to go online
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