Here’s a Quick Guide on How to Submit Online Sickness Benefit Application (SBA) through your My.SSS Account?
- A registered My.SSS account in the SSS Website
- An approved bank/e-wallet/Remittance Center/Cash Payout Outlet account in the Disbursement Enrollment Module (DAEM) of the My.SSS Portal.
If you haven’t enrolled your disbursement account, here’s the step by step process on how to Enroll your Bank Account in the Disbursement Module (DAEM).
Here’s the steps in filing the initial Sickness Benefit Application Online:
1. Login to your My.SSS account.
2. After successfully logging in, click “Submit Sickness Benefit Application” under E-Services Tab.

3. Read the important reminders, then click “Proceed” to continue.

4. Supply all required information, then click “Proceed” for SSS Validation of provided information and confirmation of eligibility to Sickness Benefit, such as the following:
- Start of Sickness
- Confinement Location
- Date of Discharge (if hospital confinement)
- Number of days claimed
- License Number of Attending Physician
- Work Related (Yes/No)
- Disbursement Account
- Employed at the time of sickness (Yes/No)

5. Click the i icon to see the list of documentary requirements and important reminders.

6. Upload the required supporting document/s. Read and understand the Certification portion, then click “I Certify and Submit” to proceed.

7. Click OK to confirm the transaction.

8. The System will display a notification message. Click “View” and then take note of your transaction details. Also check your inbox for the email notification from SSS.

Important Reminders:
- Filing of Sickness Benefit Application over the counter or through drop box at any SSS Branch/Foreign Representative Office (FRO)/Medical Evaluation Center (MEC) shall be allowed only until the full implementation of the mandatory online filing.
- The filer shall upload the required supporting document/s corresponding to the type of claim/adjustment being filed to proceed with the submission of the Sickness Benefit Application. Uploaded documents shall be reviewed by SSS.
- All sickness claims shall be subject to medical evaluation and approval prior to payment.
- The filing date of the sickness benefit claim shall be on the date of successful submission of the claim.
- Claims that have been previously submitted but were not accepted based on SSS’ evaluation may be refiled online by the member as a new transaction upon compliance with SSS requirements.
- The following sickness benefit claims, which are exempted from the online filing, shall be submitted OTC or thru the drop box at SSS Branch Office/Foreign Representative Office:
- Denied claim reconsidered for payment
- Unclaimed benefit of deceased member
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